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Smoked potato soup with pumpkin and cauliflower skewers

A deli­ca­te, spi­cy pota­to soup that, tog­e­ther with the ske­wers, makes a very fil­ling meal. Deli­cious, uncom­pli­ca­ted and made quite quickly. 

Ingre­di­ents for 4 servings: 

Pota­to soup: 

Bring the vege­ta­ble broth to the boil and strain. Peel the pota­toes and cut them into equal pie­ces. Add to the boi­ling broth and sim­mer for 10 minu­tes. Mean­while, dice the car­rots, cele­ry stalks and oni­ons. After the 10 minu­tes, add the vege­ta­bles and bay lea­ves to the pota­toes and let ever­y­thing sim­mer tog­e­ther for ano­ther 15 minutes.

Remo­ve from the heat, remo­ve the bay lea­ves and puree fine­ly with a wand. Sea­son and sea­son with smo­ked salt, nut­meg, colo­red mill pep­per and map­le syrup. Be careful with the nut­meg, it is very spi­cy. It’s bet­ter to use less rather than more.
Divi­de the cau­li­flower into lar­ger flo­rets and cut the pump­kin into pie­ces appro­xi­m­ate­ly 2 × 3 cm in size. Place on ske­wers and bake in the oven at 210 degrees until slight­ly cris­py. Don’t brown too much, other­wi­se the cau­li­flower will quick­ly beco­me bit­ter. Some sen­si­ti­vi­ty is important here.

Bon appe­tit!

We say thank you very much Gün­ther Karl for this recipe. 

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