
New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:

New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:

Sweet and sour vegetable pan

Sweet and sour com­bi­ne to crea­te an attrac­ti­ve com­bi­na­ti­on in this reci­pe, so it’s not dif­fi­cult to avo­id fat. A colorful meal that is also quick to make. 

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Ingre­di­ents for 2 people

  • 225g chop­ped spring onions
  • 110g sli­ced carrots
  • 270 g broc­co­li florets
  • 270 chop­ped asparagus
  • 120 g sli­ced pep­pers (red, oran­ge and/or yellow)
  • 250 ml pineapp­le juice, fresh­ly jui­ced or bought ready-made
  • 2 tbsp lime juice 
  • 1 tsp gra­ted ginger 
  • 1 tsp gra­ted garlic 
  • 1/4 to 1/2 tsp Cayenne pep­per
  • 2 tbsp map­le syrup
  • 2 tbsp Toma­to paste
  • 1 tbsp Arrow­root flour


For the sau­ce:

In a medi­um bowl, whisk tog­e­ther pineapp­le juice, lime juice, gra­ted gin­ger and gar­lic, cayenne pep­per. Then add map­le syrup, toma­to pas­te and arrow­root pow­der and whisk well. If the mix­tu­re clumps, mix brief­ly in a blen­der. Set aside. 

Put the spring oni­ons and car­rots in a lar­ge coa­ted one Cera­mic pan give. Cook, adding a litt­le water if neces­sa­ry to pre­vent sti­cking, until the car­rots are almost ten­der, 3 to 5 minu­tes. Add broc­co­li flo­rets, aspa­ra­gus and pep­pers and cook for ano­ther 5 minutes. 

When all the vege­ta­bles are ten­der, add the sau­ce and bring to a boil, stir­ring fre­quent­ly, until thi­c­ke­ned. Remo­ve from heat and ser­ve immediately.

Bon appe­tit!


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