
Ori­gi­nal recom­men­da­ti­ons from the USA:

Ori­gi­nal recom­men­da­ti­ons from the USA:


Vegetable and fruit skewers
Sweet and savo­ry skewers 

The­se sweet and savo­ry ske­wers are won­derful as a side dish, fin­ger food or deli­cious snack. They can be enjoy­ed eit­her raw, dried or baked, all three ver­si­ons are very tasty! 

Baking dish with ratatouille

A very colorful dish that com­bi­nes colorful vege­ta­bles such as zuc­chi­ni, egg­plant and pep­pers with a spi­cy toma­to sau­ce. It can also be ser­ved with eit­her qui­noa or mil­let, which makes it even more filling. 

Wooden board with sweet potato nori wraps
Sweet pota­to nori wraps 

Stea­m­ed sweet pota­toes pro­vi­de the glu­co­se nee­ded for the­se nori sheet appe­ti­zers. The wraps are nice and crun­chy with cucum­bers, let­tuce and pep­pers. A deli­cious, unu­su­al snack that brings varie­ty to the kitchen. 

Stirred chickpea puree on a plate
Stir-fried chick­pea puree 

Chick­pea flour is the basis for the­se vegan scram­bled eggs. The reci­pe is quick to make and is sur­pri­sin­gly jui­cy thanks to the addi­ti­on of toma­toes, pep­pers and oni­ons. Varia­ti­ons on the basic reci­pe with, for exam­p­le, mush­rooms or broc­co­li bring addi­tio­nal variety. 

Plate of garam masala potatoes
Garam masa­la potatoes 

The Indi­an spi­ce mix­tu­re garam masa­la gives this pota­to pan its spi­cy-sweet tas­te. The dish is easy to cook, inex­pen­si­ve and can easi­ly be sup­ple­men­ted with other vege­ta­bles, such as: E.g. leek and broccoli.

Vegetable muffin on plate
Vege­ta­ble muf­fins (mini frittatas) 

The­se deli­cious muf­fins are made from chick­pea flour. The vege­ta­bles can be varied as desi­red, making the muf­fins ide­al for using lef­to­vers. They are also very tasty with broc­co­li, cau­li­flower and mushrooms. 

Portion of Dürüm with cashew cream
Dürüm with cas­hew cream 

Fil­led dough rolls with a deli­cious cas­hew cream and fresh vege­ta­bles make this reci­pe a high­light. The­re are no limits to your crea­ti­vi­ty and you can modi­fy the fil­ling as desi­red to suit your own taste. 

Empanadas snack

This deli­cious pota­to-based snack is a tasty snack for in bet­ween, to take with you or ser­ved with a mixed salad – it also makes a fil­ling main meal. 

Ener­gy Shifter 

Do you despera­te­ly need an ener­gy boost at luncht­i­me? Do you feel unba­lan­ced, as if you don’t have enough ener­gy? Or is it the other way around and do you feel like you have too much ener­gy and wish you had more rest? Try this Ener­gy Shif­ter Brain Shot.

Stuffed pepper wedges
Stuf­fed pep­per wedges 

Fin­ger food pre­pared very sim­ply, spi­cy and fat-free. Pep­pers are rich in vit­amin C and streng­then the immu­ne sys­tem, while pota­toes are a good source of lys­i­ne and are an anti-patho­ge­nic food. 

Spi­cy pas­ta salad “Mayo style” 

Deli­cious rice nood­les make this savo­ry pas­ta salad an irre­sis­ti­ble tre­at, making it the per­fect salad for a sum­mer par­ty. The pick­le sub­sti­tu­te made in-house is also clever. 

Nacho fries with salsa 

A varie­ty of fla­vors from cris­py fries, fat-free “nacho cheese” sau­ce, cara­me­li­zed oni­ons, sau­té­ed pep­pers, aro­ma­tic sal­sa and hot sau­ce make this dish a deli­cious meal. 

Piz­za spaghetti 

For fans of Ita­li­an cui­sine, this reci­pe is a deli­cious tre­at. The aro­ma­tic, spi­cy sau­ce with its clas­sic Ita­li­an herbs is low in fat and is popu­lar with young and old.

Stuf­fed egg­plant rolls 

Baked egg­plant is the basis for the­se rolls fil­led with avo­ca­do cream. A deli­cious appe­ti­zer with which a light toma­to sau­ce is the per­fect combination. 

Len­til cur­ry with sweet potatoes 

Plea­sant­ly spi­cy and seduc­tively scen­ted, this len­til cur­ry is a delight for all the sen­ses. An uncom­pli­ca­ted dish that can also be pre­pared very well with pumpkin. 

Stuf­fed peppers 

Mas­hed pota­toes with a dif­fe­rence! The­se stuf­fed pep­pers not only look good, they tas­te even bet­ter. Enjoy­ed with a green salad, they make a deli­cious, fat-free meal. 

Papri­ka ragout with gril­led pota­to thalers 

A jui­cy and spi­cy ragout that tas­tes deli­cious with the gril­led pota­to tha­lers. Plea­sant­ly fil­ling and yet fat-free, it is an ide­al com­bi­na­ti­on for using pota­toes in com­pli­ant cooking. 

Cau­li­flower steaks 

The­se cau­li­flower steaks are easy to prepa­re and deli­cious in tas­te. The aro­mas of the spi­ces, tog­e­ther with the gar­lic, crea­te a very tasty mari­na­de that har­mo­ni­zes won­derful­ly with the cauliflower. 

Papri­ka and pota­to goulash 

This vegan goulash does not con­tain any fat and gets its deli­cious fla­vor from slow­ly degla­zing with red gra­pe juice. A very spe­cial note is also crea­ted by a touch of vanil­la pod and clove. 

Pota­to piz­za boats 

Pota­toes can help lower the viral load in the body when pre­pared wit­hout adding fat. This reci­pe once again shows the ver­sa­ti­li­ty of this won­derful tuber.

Sweet and sour vege­ta­ble pan 

Sweet and sour com­bi­ne to crea­te an attrac­ti­ve com­bi­na­ti­on in this reci­pe, so it’s not dif­fi­cult to avo­id fat. A colorful meal that is also quick to make. 

Nori rolls with mus­tard dip 

The­se vegan nori rolls are quick to make as deli­cious snacks for din­ner or to take away. The deli­cious sea vege­ta­bles delight the pala­te with their sal­ty note.

Chick­pea omelet 

This egg-free ome­let is made with chick­pea flour. With jui­cy vege­ta­bles such as mush­rooms and spring oni­ons. It is a deli­cious tre­at with pep­pers or wild herbs such as nettles.


Tip: This month the­re is a real­ly gre­at dis­count pro­mo­ti­on at Hurom!

Save up to 24% on all Hurom jui­cers until the end of the month and also get a mini blen­der worth 109 €!

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