
New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:

New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:

Would you rather buy organic or conventional fruit and vegetables?

Do I pre­fer to buy orga­nic or con­ven­tio­nal? What is best to buy orga­nic and what is con­ven­tio­nal? Which foods should I buy orga­nic if possible? 

The ques­ti­on of all ques­ti­ons: Do I buy orga­nic or con­ven­tio­nal? What is best to buy orga­nic and what is conventional?

This is pro­ba­b­ly the ques­ti­on of all ques­ti­ons for many peo­p­le when it comes to swit­ching to a healt­hi­er diet and their own health or the health of others: Do I buy orga­nic or conventional?

Basi­cal­ly, it can be said that con­ven­tio­nal foods can con­tain fewer nut­ri­ents and can be more con­ta­mi­na­ted with toxins than orga­nic foods.

Organic vegetables also contain contamination 

I think it’s important to know that orga­nic foods can also be con­ta­mi­na­ted with toxins. On the one hand with Chem­trails from the sky, other envi­ron­men­tal toxins or e.g. B. with che­mi­cals useful for the “pro­duc­tion pro­cess”. It may be the case that some sup­pli­ers do not even have to sta­te with cer­tain cer­ti­fi­ca­tes what they trea­ted the once orga­ni­cal­ly pro­du­ced food with after har­ve­s­t­ing. Becau­se of this fact, among other things, I wash all food, whe­ther orga­nic or con­ven­tio­nal, in the same way as much as pos­si­ble. Unless I know the har­ve­st, deli­very, etc. exact­ly (far­mer around the cor­ner, trees in the wild, food from my own gar­den) – to the advan­ta­ge of the increased pro­bio­tics that can be found on the sur­face of unwa­shed food.

What I’ve often heard are state­ments like: “Don’t eat con­ven­tio­nal cele­ry, you’ll poi­son yours­elf.”, “Con­ven­tio­nal pota­toes con­tain poi­sons becau­se they clean the soil and that’s why con­ven­tio­nal pota­toes are bad for us.”, “Con­ven­tio­nal toma­toes wor­sen sym­ptoms.”, and and and…

Our favo­ri­te aut­hor says that con­ven­tio­nal foods can be more con­ta­mi­na­ted than some orga­nic foods. Howe­ver, accor­ding to him, the heal­ing pro­per­ties out­weigh the poten­ti­al­ly dise­a­se-caus­ing components.

What does the practice look like for those on a tight budget? 

I ask you: What does a sin­gle mother with two child­ren who is on sick lea­ve and has very litt­le money eat if she can­not afford orga­nic food? Con­ven­tio­nal foods. What do I eat, someone who sup­ports his fian­cée, who works less for his heal­ing (less stress) and to help peo­p­le as a coach, who can hard­ly afford orga­nic food due to his lower inco­me? Con­ven­tio­nal foods. Does this make us heal slower? Are we get­ting sicker becau­se of this?

A good 1 1/2 years ago I had so much money that I spent around €400 a week on the best orga­nic qua­li­ty for my fian­cée and mys­elf. We ate a very diver­se, vegan and com­pli­ant diet. Nevert­hel­ess, I ended up on sick lea­ve for over half a year with burn­out. I’ve lear­ned: If I keep doing the same thing and thin­king about what once made me sick, then even the best diet won’t help me.

I’m fee­ling so much bet­ter at the moment as I’ve redu­ced my hours at my job and am con­ti­nu­al­ly working on mys­elf. Some­ti­mes more some­ti­mes less. Just 3 steps for­ward and 2 steps back. I only afford map­le syrup, Honey, Cucum­bers and orga­nic oat flakes. The rest is con­ven­tio­nal and I’m doing bet­ter than ever on my heal­ing journey.

I would like to take away your fear of con­ven­tio­nal foods.

How much more heal­ing can more varie­ty of foods bring you? How much more heal­ing can more free time and a ligh­ter wal­let give you?

The role of adrenaline

Do you know what is much more toxic than any toxic par­tic­les in con­ven­tio­nal foods? Adre­na­line – most toxic sub­s­tance on this pla­net, more toxic than mer­cu­ry. Adre­na­line is released, among other things, by pain, going too long wit­hout eating or by thoughts such as fear, anger and sadness.

If you want to be on the safe side with your food, you can find out on the Inter­net what the most con­ta­mi­na­ted foods are.

You can wash your food with warm water and a scent-free, bio­lo­gi­cal dish­wa­shing liquid use.

If pos­si­ble, try to avo­id con­ven­tio­nal leafy greens and herbs. If the­re is no other opti­on, trust your intuition.

If you want, you can ask the angel of harm­less­ness befo­re a meal to ensu­re that any sub­s­tances it con­ta­ins do not harm you. The angel of enrich­ment helps you to enrich the nut­ri­ents con­tai­ned in the food in a way that is tail­o­red spe­ci­fi­cal­ly to you, for maxi­mum heal­ing suc­cess and maxi­mum nou­rish­ment for yourself.

We have crea­ted a list here for your reference:

Food that can be bought conventionally

Food that can be bought in organic quality

Peas (due to gene­tic engineering)

If possible, buy organic quality, but conventional methods are also possible: 

  • Straw­ber­ries
  • Leafy greens such as salads and spin­ach
  • Black­ber­ries
  • Raspber­ries
  • pota­toes (it’s best to peel conventionally)
  • gra­pes
  • Wash ber­ries and gra­pes well

What if a food isn’t on this list?

If it has a shell, you can wash it and then remo­ve the shell.

If you can­not remo­ve the shell, wash it well and ask the angels for help if necessary.

We thank Mar­cel Utpa­tel for this article. 

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Vimer­gy supplements

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Kasi­mir + Lieselotte

Save 5 % on com­pli­ant pro­ducts like Dul­se or orga­nic gly­ce­rin with a vou­ch­er: SELLERIESAFT
