
Morning routine

The so-cal­led liver reli­ef mor­ning has beco­me known for reli­e­ving the liver and thus impro­ving deto­xi­fi­ca­ti­on per­for­mance. This mor­ning rou­ti­ne essen­ti­al­ly con­sists of three dif­fe­rent com­pon­ents and is pre­sen­ted here in its indi­vi­du­al steps. 
Glass of celery juice and heavy metal detox smoothie

If you are not yet fami­li­ar with the recom­men­da­ti­ons of our favo­ri­te aut­hor, then this artic­le will give you a brief over­view of the liver reli­ef mor­ning. This pro­cess should beco­me a regu­lar part of your mor­ning rou­ti­ne so that you expe­ri­ence the opti­mal bene­fits of the tools pre­sen­ted for your health. 

1. Lemon water

For half a liter Lemon water (ZiWa) the juice of half a lemon or lime is added. The water should not be warm or hot, but should be at room tem­pe­ra­tu­re. It is pos­si­ble to increase the amount up to one liter of ZiWa in the mor­ning. If the lemon water is found to be too aci­dic, then a teas­poon can be used Honey be added. For beg­in­ners, the amount can be less than half a liter and increased slow­ly. ZiWa ser­ves the liver as a very wel­co­me rin­se after the hard work of the mor­ning hours. It is a won­derful way to hydra­te the body. The released toxins can be used with this first buil­ding block Mor­ning rou­ti­ne only be pro­per­ly eliminated.

2. Celery juice as the core of your morning routine 

After the lemon water, wait at least 15 minu­tes, pre­fer­a­b­ly 30 minu­tes, befo­re cele­ry juice (SeSa).

The recom­men­da­ti­on for Mor­ning rou­ti­ne is to drink at least half a liter of fresh­ly jui­ced cele­ry juice every mor­ning on an emp­ty sto­mach. (The ZiWa does not end sobrie­ty if the distance from cele­ry juice is at least 15 minu­tes, pre­fer­a­b­ly 30 minu­tes). The juice must not con­tain any addi­ti­ves, i.e. neither apple juice, lemon juice still water. Depen­ding on the sea­son and size, one stalk of cele­ry pro­du­ces approx. 350 – 550 ml of cele­ry juice. Cele­ry juice only deve­lo­ps its won­derful effects when drunk straight. Any remai­ning fiber should be remo­ved before­hand using a sie­ve or nut milk bag. The easie­st way to juice the cele­ry is with a jui­cer, but a good high-per­for­mance blen­der can also juice the cele­ry. It is important that no water is added to the cele­ry, other­wi­se the heal­ing effect will no lon­ger be pre­sent. After mixing, strain well as men­tio­ned above!

3. Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie

The hea­vy metal detox smoothie (HMDS) is drunk at the ear­liest 15 minu­tes, pre­fer­a­b­ly 30 minu­tes, after the cele­ry juice. For many fol­lo­wers, this third com­po­nent is the Mor­ning rou­ti­ne the regu­lar break­fast. Not only does it deto­xi­fy all types of metals, but it also helps remo­ve pla­s­tic from the body and redu­ce radia­ti­on. The HMDS essen­ti­al­ly con­sists of 5 important com­pon­ents, plus bana­nas and oran­ge juice as glu­co­se car­ri­ers and for a bet­ter tas­te. It works best Hea­vy Metal Detox Smoothie, when pre­pared with all the pre­scri­bed ingre­di­ents, but the mini­mum for effec­ti­ve action is at least 3 of the fol­lo­wing 5 ingredients. 

Quantities of the 3rd part of the morning routine 

Ingre­di­ents for the HMDS:

All ingre­di­ents in one mixer Add and mix for 1 – 2 minu­tes until the desi­red con­sis­ten­cy is achie­ved. If after the HMDS you feel hun­gry for a second break­fast, then 2–3 red-skin­ned app­les the best choice as they take hea­vy metal deto­xi­fi­ca­ti­on to a deeper level. 

Hundreds of thou­sands of peo­p­le around the world have bene­fi­ted from the bles­sings Mor­ning rou­ti­ne reco­gni­zed and app­ly them dai­ly. Ever­yo­ne is respon­si­ble for taking their own well-being to a bet­ter level. Our favo­ri­te aut­hor has given us the tools to do this, now ever­yo­ne can use them powerfully!

Video: Maar­ja Urb

Music in the video: ben​sound​.com


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