
Ori­gi­nal recom­men­da­ti­ons from the USA:

Ori­gi­nal recom­men­da­ti­ons from the USA:

Günther Karl

Gün­ther Karl beca­me awa­re of our favo­ri­te aut­hor many years ago. After just a few weeks, his dear wife Ste­fa­nie was also con­vin­ced of the diet, so that both of them can now fol­low the path of a com­pli­ant diet tog­e­ther. Gün­ther Karl is always hap­py to take on the chall­enge of crea­ting healt­hy and tasty dishes. 
Plate of spicy potatoes with cucumber in tomato-mustard sauce
Spi­cy pota­toes with cucum­ber in toma­to-mus­tard sauce 

If you’­re in a hur­ry, then this spi­cy pota­to spe­cial­ty is a good choice. Spi­cy and with a frui­ty-spi­cy note, the dish is also inex­pen­si­ve and par­ti­cu­lar­ly sui­ta­ble for sum­mer, when toma­toes and cucum­bers are in peak season. 

Portion of Dürüm with cashew cream
Dürüm with cas­hew cream 

Fil­led dough rolls with a deli­cious cas­hew cream and fresh vege­ta­bles make this reci­pe a high­light. The­re are no limits to your crea­ti­vi­ty and you can modi­fy the fil­ling as desi­red to suit your own taste. 

Brussels sprout goulash 

This fat-free, vegan goulash is packed with nut­ri­ents. Brussels sprouts are a high­ly nut­ri­tious vege­ta­ble rich in anti­oxi­dants, phy­to­nu­tri­ents, vit­amins C, A and E, and alka­li­zing mine­rals such as cal­ci­um, iron and manganese.

Spi­cy pas­ta salad “Mayo style” 

Deli­cious rice nood­les make this savo­ry pas­ta salad an irre­sis­ti­ble tre­at, making it the per­fect salad for a sum­mer par­ty. The pick­le sub­sti­tu­te made in-house is also clever. 

Chickpeas in tomato sauce
Chick­peas with fiery spiciness 

This dish is a deli­cious stew that will defi­ni­te­ly find many fans thanks to its simp­le, quick pre­pa­ra­ti­on and the ingre­di­ents that store well. 

Piz­za spaghetti 

For fans of Ita­li­an cui­sine, this reci­pe is a deli­cious tre­at. The aro­ma­tic, spi­cy sau­ce with its clas­sic Ita­li­an herbs is low in fat and is popu­lar with young and old.

Gnoc­chi with “bacon cream sauce” 

This hear­ty and fat­ty dish is defi­ni­te­ly not for every day, but is a tre­at for a spe­cial occa­si­on. It is also ide­al for enjoy­ing a meal with guests. 

Heal­ing food cream 

A win­ter des­sert that not only tas­tes deli­cious, but is also a true heal­ing food. This des­sert is easy to prepa­re and tas­tes par­ti­cu­lar­ly deli­cious when chilled. 

Papri­ka ragout with gril­led pota­to thalers 

A jui­cy and spi­cy ragout that tas­tes deli­cious with the gril­led pota­to tha­lers. Plea­sant­ly fil­ling and yet fat-free, it is an ide­al com­bi­na­ti­on for using pota­toes in com­pli­ant cooking. 

Brussels sprouts and sweet pota­to curry 

A very spi­cy, Thai-fla­vor­ed cur­ry stew that has a cer­tain spi­ci­ness. Sweet pota­toes and Brussels sprouts har­mo­ni­ze per­fect­ly in this fat-free dish. Fans of spi­cy fla­vors will love it. 

Pota­to and leek gratin 

A hear­ty, fil­ling dish baked with a vegan sau­ce made from coco­nut and cas­hew milk. Par­ti­cu­lar­ly sui­ta­ble for tho­se who have a fond­ness for gra­tin and are loo­king for com­pli­ant alter­na­ti­ves wit­hout no-foods.

Papa­ya-bana­na cream with cinnamon 

Cre­a­my papa­ya mixed with fro­zen bana­nas form a seduc­ti­ve com­bi­na­ti­on in this des­sert. A sweet dream for tho­se with a sweet tooth! 

Smo­ked oni­on and bean stew 

When it gets uncom­for­ta­ble out­side, this smo­ked oni­on and bean stew is just the thing. The smo­ked papri­ka pow­der gives this hear­ty stew its spe­cial taste.

Papri­ka and pota­to goulash 

This vegan goulash does not con­tain any fat and gets its deli­cious fla­vor from slow­ly degla­zing with red gra­pe juice. A very spe­cial note is also crea­ted by a touch of vanil­la pod and clove. 

Mari­na­ted car­rots on millet 

Car­rots with a dif­fe­rence! Mari­na­ted in a fla­vorful mari­na­de and baked in the oven, the­se aro­ma­tic car­rots are a tre­at on a bed of mil­let. The refres­hing toma­to top­ping is the icing on the cake. 
